Types of Rubrics

A rubric can be used to assess any kind of assignment (keeping in mind the ways that a rubric should NOT be used). Technically there are only two types of rubrics: analytical and holistic.

An analytical rubric looks at specific criteria within an assignment and is used to assess the performance on each criteria.

A holistic rubric looks at an assignment as a whole, and determines the overall performance.

We can also divide rubrics into general and task-specific.

A general rubric can be used for many assignments, for example you may create a general rubric for written assignments.

A task-specific rubric is related with one particular assignment in mind, and the descriptions relate specifically to that assignment.

A sub-category of the analytic rubric is the single-point rubric. This type of rubric is not discussed nearly as much as the others. The single-point rubric only describes the middle of the range, a single set of criteria in each category for quality, or acceptable, work.

Last, there is the developmental rubric. A developmental rubric is often used with younger students to ascertain to what degree they are mastering certain core competencies, or their development. So the questions might be, "To what extent/degree are the students in this program developing the ability to X?"

Single Point Rubric- A Tool for Responsible Student Self-Assessme.pdf
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