Obstacles to Success

If it were easy, every school would do it, so it behooves us to identify the potential obstacles to creating and maintaining a strong, effective professional learning environment.

Teacher Ennui - it's just another burden - Anything that s presented as teachers having to do may be seen as yet another chore to add to their already busy schedules. If presented in this way, the PLE will look precisely like that. It is essential, therefore, that you not present this as a "thing" or a "task" or even something that teachers have to do. Instead, the PLE is an atmosphere, part of the school environment rather than a tangible. In other words, yu do not announce a PLE; it gradually becomes the way things work at the school.

Lack of Focus/Goals - Everything you ask teachers to do should have a clear purpose, clearly stated.

Lack of Communication - Hand in hand with lack of focus is lack of communication. It is not enough to do something if you do not clearly communicate the purpose, the process, the players, the resources, etc. And such communication has to be ongoing.

Lack of Teacher Responsibility - Building a strong PLE means giving teachers greater responsibility, not in an onerous way, but in the sense of more empowerment, for example over curriculum. The administration has to be prepared to give up some of the decision making power to get teachers to embrace the new paradigm.

Atmosphere of being assessed rather than being supported - It is essential that teachers not feel they are being assessed through these initiatives, but instead feel they are being supported. This will come through both in how these new initiative is presented to them, and in how each is followed up on. For example, when an administrator observes a class for support and feedback, there should never be a formal write-up.

Lack of Support - The logistical support must be maintained, whether it is a secretary maintaining the shared calendar or an IT professional being available for help.

Lack of Maintenance - Someone has to assume the role of maintaining the processes that make up your PLE. This may be a member of the administration, such as the dean of faculty, or it may be a (rotating) group of teachers. It must be a position that is compensated and supported.


  1. Identify/brainstorm/anticipate what obstacles are likely to crop up.
  2. Prepare responses to each one, both in terms of communicating and acting.

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