
Welcome to Creating a Professional Learning Environment at Your School. To get the most out of this course, I strongly suggest you do two things:

1) Take the course along with one or more colleagues. This will afford you the opportunity to discuss the ideas herein, and you will benefit much more as a result.

2) Keep a developer's notebook. This can be a physical notebook or an online document that you keep notes in as you progress through the course. A developer's notebook allows you to get your thoughts and ideas down on paper, to think through the ideas, and also gives you something you can share with others. It will become a reference to use as you move forward after you have completed the course.

3) Do all of the linked readings; watch all of the videos. These are essential elements of the course.

4) You will note that at the bottom of each lecture is a section called NEXT STEPS. These are action steps that you should take in order to get your PLE going. They are listed again at the end of the course for your convenience.

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